ESS425 - Essentials for Leading Teams and Relationships
What is your role as a team member or leader in creating the conditions in which people can flourish and achieve their mutual goals?
This course explores how you can positively influence the formation of this complex, interconnected system of relationships we call a team. You'll examine why some current paradigms of team structure don’t adequately address the inevitable issues of unconscious power, identity and inclusion, and learn how to apply the principles of adaptive leadership to any relationship.
You'll leave with a framework for team functioning that will enable you to work skillfully with conflict, leverage diverse views and voices, and create team relationships that truly get results.
${OfferingCode} - ${Name}
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IMPORTANT—schedule clarification
This course begins on the first date listed and ends six days after the last date listed. Between those times, you work at your own pace within the timelines set by the instructor.
Potential Discount
Cost Information
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${DepositLabel}: ${InitialDepositAmount}
${Name} | ${Cost} | ${AvailableSeats} Sold Out |