CRJ445 - Community Development Through Restorative Justice
Conflict is an opportunity to see what needs our attention in the community. You will explore the relevance and use of restorative practices in community development and examine social development as a crime prevention tool. You will also learn how gathering data about conflicts can help identify broader community deficits and create lasting change.
This course will give you a working knowledge of the concept of participatory democracy in the context of restorative justice practices and of social capital in the context of harm prevention and repairing damaged relationships.
Suggested prerequisite: Introduction to Restorative Justice: Concepts, Theory and Philosophy | CRJ315
${OfferingCode} - ${Name}
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IMPORTANT—schedule clarification
This course begins on the first date listed and ends six days after the last date listed. Between those times, you work at your own pace within the timelines set by the instructor.
Potential Discount
Cost Information
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${Name} | ${Cost} | ${AvailableSeats} Sold Out |