NPM220 - New Approaches to Non-Profit Management for the Canadian Context
This course will prepare you to lead a non-profit organization in Canada. We’ll explore a variety of issues you and your board will face, including the legal foundations, the unique governance and human systems, and the resource requirements of this special entity we call a non-profit.
We will also look at best practices and trends in communications, fund development and risk management. Our starting point will be to explore the key elements that make a successful non-profit.
The course is designed to integrate practical learning into theoretical discussion and is based on the assumption that you are an expert who brings something to the table that all of us can learn from – whether that is experience in the field, or life experience others don’t share.
Coursework will consist of reading, self-reflection, interacting with your peers and instructors, and pursuing a case study of your choice.
${OfferingCode} - ${Name}
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IMPORTANT—schedule clarification
This course begins on the first date listed and ends six days after the last date listed. Between those times, you work at your own pace within the timelines set by the instructor.
Potential Discount
Cost Information
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${DepositLabel}: ${InitialDepositAmount}
${Name} | ${Cost} | ${AvailableSeats} Sold Out |
Item | Qty | Cost | Member Cost | Amount | Remove |
Qty | Item |
${ItemName} ${OfferingName} ${ItemType} | ${Quantity} | ${UnitPrice} | ${MemberPrice} | ${Total} |
${ItemName} ${ItemType} | ${UnitPrice} | ${MemberPrice} | ${Total} |
${ItemName} ${ItemType} | ${UnitPrice} | ${MemberPrice} | ${Total} |
${ItemName} ${ItemType} | ${Quantity} | ${UnitPrice} | ${MemberPrice} | ${Total} |
${Quantity} | ${Description} ${ItemType} |
${Quantity} | ${Description} ${ItemType} |
${Quantity} | ${Description} ${ItemType} |
${Quantity} | ${Name} ${ItemType} |
${Description} | ${ItemUnitAmount} |